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Online donations
with tax reduction and fiscal receipt for France
(Sorry, these do not apply outside France. However, donations online, or by bank transfer, or by check are accepted from anywhere in the world.)
Click on this link for the online donations page of the "Fondation des Monastères":
At the upper right, click on the box "Francais" to select "English".
(All amounts will be in euros regardless of the language.)
Under "MY DONATION", check the second box: "I want to allocate my donation to a monastic community" etc. A Search box will appear. Type "Clarisses Troyes" and our name will be at the top of the list,
Click on our name and a blue checkmark will appear next to it.
"MY DETAILS" – enter your name and address information.
"MY PAYMENT" – you can select credit card or check.
We thank you with all our hearts for your generosity.
Thank you for helping us to continue to live our vocation
as Adorers of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
The Foundation of Monasteries in Paris, France
The Foundation of Monasteries ("Fondation des Monastères") is a charitable organization to help Monasteries in France which are in need, in a spirit of solidarity. It provides assistance to Religious Communities by collecting donations and bequests to redistribute in the form of financial aid, and also offers advice and counsel for all the material aspects of monastic life.
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