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Who are we ?

The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration



Our Order of Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration was founded in Paris on December 8th, 1854 by Father Bonaventure Heurlaut, a Capuchin Franciscan, and Mother Marie de Sainte Claire Bouillevaux, both of whom are from the Troyes region,

Les Clarisses de Troyes 2013

A contemplative branch of the Franciscan family…..


corde franciscaine

…..rooted in the diocese of Troyes…


In 1856 the Community of Sisters transferred to Troyes, the diocese of origin of the two founders







Jardin du Monastère des Clarisses de Troyes
Crois San Damiano et Ostensoir, Clarisses de Troyes

dedicated to Perpetual Adoration since 1856…



The same year, the Sisters received authorization from the Bishop, the Most Reverend Pierre Louis Cœur, to have Adoration day and night before the Most Blessed Sacrament exposed in their Chapel.



and spread throughout the world.


Planted in the rich land of the region of Champagne, the Community has not ceased to radiate the Love of God. Throughout the course of one and a half centuries, our Order has founded 36 Monasteries in eight countries : France, Poland, Austria, Germany, Bangladesh, India, Kazakhstan, and the United States.



Chemin vers le potager, Clarisses de Troyes
Jardin, Monastère des Clarisses de Troyes

The beginning of a new chapter in our history!






Since 2007, after 10 years of interruption, monastic life is once again flourishing in this sacred place of prayer. Today our little international Community seeks God here according to the Rule of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration and the tradition of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi.  A new Chapter in the history of our Order has begun.

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